Breath Brothers Balance

What experience of life do you desire?
What is holding you back?

We use breath, movement, and attention to slow the mind and calm the body. To attune our senses to align with our highest self. To express ourselves freely. Free of judgement, we support each other into living and breathing vitally and authentically.

Check out our offerings, including our weekly gathering

“True masculinity lies in inner peace, quiet strength, maturity. In quiet confidence in self, and using that to generate. In serving higher self, higher power, family, community, humanity - all from a place of selflessness. That is where true peace lies.”

— Kyle Bruce Leighton

Follow The Calling

Most spaces that we associate today with masculinity are centered around ego driven competition and performance. Think sports, business, even family pressures. Many of us have never known what it’s like to feel safe to express vulnerability with other men (or women). We seek to change that.